Winter 2011 Catalogs!

Winter 2011 Catalogs!

Dear Librarian, 

Our Winter 2011 catalogs are now
available here.  
And I know that we’re not supposed to have favorites… But we just couldn’t help
ourselves!  So check out our you-can’t-live-without-these-titles list here.



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Seven Stars, Two Mysteries

Seven Stars, Two Mysteries

Two mysteries. One Canadian, the other Icelandic. Seven starred reviews (Kirkus, we love you, but stop being... well... Kirkus). I'll let the reviews speak for themselves.

Bury Your Dead: "Brilliantly provocative" --Library Journal

"One of the most elaborately constructed and remarkably moving
mysteries in years." --Booklist

"Bring on the awards." --Kirkus

"Few writers in any
genre can match Penny's ability to combine heartbreak and hope in the same
scene." --Publishers Weekly


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Nancy Pearl’s Under the Radar Reads

Nancy Pearl’s Under the Radar Reads

The always
amazing Nancy Pearl highlighted her
favorite summer reads on NPR
yesterday, proving something that we've known all along: when Nancy Pearl speaks, readers


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Today’s Debut

Today’s Debut

Noam Shpancer's stunning debut, The Good Psychologist, opens as a psychologist
reluctantly takes on a new client—an exotic dancer whose severe anxiety
is keeping her from the stage. The psychologist, a solitary
professional who also teaches a lively night class, helps the client
confront her fears. As the shell of his detachment
begins to crack, he suddenly finds himself too deeply involved, the
boundary lines between professional and personal, between help and
harm, blurring dangerously.

"An intense and engrossing read." --Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

"Shpancer's authentic debut incorporates therapy-heavy diversions throughout, weaving together clinical and personal experiences." --Booklist


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Dante’s Gone Graphic!

Dante’s Gone Graphic!

700-year-old epic poetry doesn't generally come to mind after hearing about a new graphic adaptation. However, it's time to think again, because Seymor Chwast's adaptation of Dante's Divine Comedy is turning lots of heads. Including those of trade reviewers.

"With his signature mix of humor, artistry, and high-level design, he conveys a breathtaking amount of information in clear black and white line drawings. It all works seamlessly as Chwast does a stunning job of telling Dante's story in his own brilliant style." Publishers Weekly (starred review)


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Double Debut: Both Starred!

Double Debut: Both Starred!

Do your patrons have a craving for historical mysteries? Great, because two fantastic debuts are heading their way.

The Holy Thief: In Soviet Russia, an investigator must scramble to find the murderer of an American girl. One wrong step means exile in Siberia.

"Ryan re-creates the toxic, terrorized atmosphere by plunging Korolev into a
ghastly web where nothing is what it seems" --Library Journal (starred review)


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An Austen Remix that Stands on its Own!

An Austen Remix that Stands on its Own!

"Nobody, I believe, has ever found it possible to like the heroine of Mansfield Park." --Lionel Trilling

Well, that's been changed. Lynn Shepherd has taken the classic work and turned it on its head. Unlikeable characters are now charming. The honest now scheme. And now, there's a murder.

But Murder at Mansfield isn't just for the Jane Austen fan. It stands on its own as a fantastic mystery. Maybe you don't need zombies to bring new readers to the classics!

"First-timer Shepherd remains true to Austen's style while providing a sound pzuzle. Janeites may be delighted or appaled, but more impartial readers will find much to enjoy." Kirus Reviews (starred review)


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