A Malice-ful Debut!

A Malice-ful Debut!

Ex-cop Moriah Dru thought she was on vacation, but that ends when a local judge asks her to help find missing sisters. What she uncovers is not an isolated incident, but a string of kidnappings, perpetrated by a sex-trafficking cartel with members named after chess pieces. And a snitch reveals that Moriah's only chance to find the sisters is before they're flown out of the country, to Costa Rica.

The latest winner of the Malice Domestic Best First Traditional Mystery Novel Competition, The End Game features a strong new heroine in a vivid Southern setting. Gerrie Ferris Finger puts a new spin on the classic mystery novel.

"Well-researched plot and snappy dialogue." --Publishers Weekly


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Why I love fantasy. And our newest fantastic giveaway!

Why I love fantasy. And our newest fantastic giveaway!

So I just finished book two of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of
Time, The Great Hunt. It was a fantastic read, and reinforced my huge,
enormous, colossal love for fantasy. Jordan really stepped up the
intrigue in the second installment. While I loved the first book, I was a bit
worried that the series might devolve into a reductive battle of good and evil.
But in The Great Hunt, he shows that there are many more factions than
we had believed, and even within those factions there is infighting as goals
clash. [...]

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A debut to take you back.

A debut to take you back.

Tatjana Soli's debut novel tells the story of an American female combat photographer in the Vietnam War as she captures the wrenching chaos and finds herself torn between the love of two men. The buzz  for this title has been huge both in-house and in trade reviews. Not one to miss!

"A visceral story about the powerful and complex bonds that war creates... Moving and memorable." —Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

"Soli's poignant work will grab the attention of most readers. A powerful new writer to watch." —Library Journal (starred review)


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Ben’s SLJ Day of Dialog Powerpoint

Ben’s SLJ Day of Dialog Powerpoint

Did you get a chance to see me on the School Library Journal Day of Dialog panel? If so, thanks for attending! It was an honor, and pretty thrilling (if a bit nerve wracking)!

If you found the presentation useful, you might like to view my presentations slides, which contain the details of the titles I discussed.

Once again, thanks for attending!


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ALA Overview!

ALA Overview!

June 25th

5:30-7:30 pm Rebecca Maizel signs INFINITE DAYS
(Griffin) in
booth #2804


June 26th

10:30-12 pm ALTAFF’s “Isn’t It
Romantic?” panel with Beth Harbison (WCC room #142)

12 pm Harriet Reisen signs copies
of LOUISA MAY ALCOTT (Holt) in booth #2804


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Nonfiction Naked with guest Rob Kirkpatrick.

Nonfiction Naked with guest Rob Kirkpatrick.

Hi there.  I’m Rob Kirkpatrick, Senior Editor with the Thomas Dunne Books imprint at St. Martin’s Press.  I came to the Macmillan family with a wide variety of publishing experience, including four years at Greenwood Publishing, when I had the chance to meet a number of public and academic librarians and talk with them about the needs and interests of their patrons. 

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The debut of a daring heroine (and author)!

The debut of a daring heroine (and author)!

Beth Bernobich's Passion Play is the coming of age tale of Ilse Zahlina, the daughter of a wealthy merchant. When he reveals his plans to marry Ilse off to a another merchant, she feels like just another item in his ledger. Matters are made worse when she finds that his last fiancée disappeared mysteriously, an occurrence most seem content to dismiss. Resolute not to end up a man's puppet like her mother, Ilse flees in the night, takes a new name, and seeks a life where she can forge her own identity.

Ilse's world seems to be pseudo-feudal, set in a sort of pre-fundamentalist Islamic Middle east. [...]

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Karin Slaughter’s Cupcake Contest!

Karin Slaughter’s Cupcake Contest!

Amazing author and amazing person Karin Slaughter is hosting a contest I thought you should know about. Do you love to bake? Do you love thrillers? Want a chance to win an autographed advanced copy of her latest novel, Broken, and her entire backlist? Then go get your cupcake on!

Just design the grossest, most serial-killery cupcake in the world! It's that easy.



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