Forty or so years in the future the once-great city of Bohane on the west coast of Ireland is on its knees, infested by vice and split along tribal lines...
Kevin Barry's dystopic novel, THE CITY OF BOHANE, earned him the cover review on this week's edition of The New York Times Book Review! See the full review here.
"In prose that is both dense and flowing, Barry takes us on a roaring journey, among human beings who are trapped in life its own damned self. Nostalgia grips many of them, even when they slash angrily at sentimentality. None of it is real, yet all of it feels true. This powerful, exuberant fiction is as true as the Macondo of Gabriel García Márquez, the Yoknapatawpha County of William Faulkner and, in a different way, even the Broadway of Damon Runyon." -The New York Times Book Review
"What strange and dangerous glamor first-time novelist Barry of Dublin conjures on the rough streets of the city of Bohane[...] Although Barry has set this bewitching, stylized noir pageant of underworld dynastic upheaval in the grim near-future, it has a timeless air, with spookily beautiful evocations of ancient Irish mythology." -Booklist (starred review)