This historical spotlight features a former WWI ace pilot and his wingwalker wife as they barnstorm across America, a woman and a nation struggling to be reborn from the ashes, and a gripping tale of sisterhood, loyalty, and secrets amid America’s last deadly flu pandemic. WINGWALKERS by Taylor Brown “Vivid writing pops off the page […]
A Letter to Librarians from Sandra Dallas (2/25/22)
Sandra Dallas’ LITTLE SOULS is a gripping tale of sisterhood, loyalty, and secrets set in Denver amid America’s last deadly flu pandemic. She joins us today to share more about her research at the Denver Public Library! When I started researching LITTLE SOULS, my novel about the 1918 flu epidemic, I immediately turned to the […]
For Your Consideration: April 2022 LibraryReads Titles
Download, read, and vote for your favorite April titles for the April 2022 LibraryReads list! Votes due March 1! LITTLE SOULS by Sandra DallasISBN 9781250277886 | on sale 4/26/22Download on Edelweiss or NetGalley Set in Denver against the backdrop of an epidemic that feels all too familiar, LITTLE SOULS is a compelling tale of sisterhood and of the sacrifices people make to […]