Kirkus Reviews includes 37 Macmillan titles in their Best Books of 2020! Fiction PIRANESI by Susanna ClarkeCLEANNESS by Garth GreenwellMASTER OF POISONS by Andrea HairstonBEOWULF: A NEW TRANSLATION by Maria Dahvana HeadleyTROUBLE THE SAINTS by Alaya Dawn JohnsonLUSTER by Raven LeilaniTHE MIRROR & THE LIGHT by Hilary MantelALL THE DEVILS ARE HERE by Louise PennyTHE […]
Extra! Extra!: February Book News
Here are the headlines you may have missed this month. C.J. Box’s Cassie Dewell novels are set to become a television series on ABC, with David Kelley of Ally McBeal, Boston Legal, and Goliath fame creating and producing. Variety reports that MISS AUSTEN has been optioned for TV by Steve Coogan’s production company, Baby Cow […]
Nonfiction Round-Up (1/29/20)
A history of Jews vs Palestinians, a graphic memoir, conflict in the Middle East, behind-the-scenes of brand start-ups, and arguing against the Second Amendment–all in today’s nonfiction round-up! THE HUNDRED YEARS’ WAR ON PALESTINE: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017 by Rashid Khalidi “Highly recommended as a valuable and accurate presentation of a […]