Monday Fun Day! (5/7/2012 Edition)

Monday Fun Day! (5/7/2012 Edition)

Hellooooo, Monday!

Today I've put together a photo-tastic post for you featuring a few of the Macmillan and Macmillan Library adventures of late...

Talia was in Seattle last week (jealous!) for all of the Seattle Reads events with author Amy Waldman (THE SUBMISSION).

Here's Amy with her book!

amy submission

And here's enthusiastic librarian, excuse me, guybrarian David Wright!

david submission


We saw the Enterprise shuttle fly by our office! It was a glorious sight, if bitter sweet since it was on its way to retirement. More pics at!


And speaking of space, here's a sneak peek at Ender's electronic surveillance implant from the set of the Ender's Game movie! 


And finally... A PUPPY!



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Seattle is Reading THE SUBMISSION

Seattle is Reading THE SUBMISSION

The Seattle Public Library has chosen the 14th book in their annual "Seattle Reads" program and we're delighted to see that it's THE SUBMISSION by Amy Waldman!

In their press release they say,

In the 14th year of the series, The Seattle Public Library will feature "The Submission" by Amy Waldman. Waldman will visit Seattle in early May 2012 to talk with readers about her novel. Details and a schedule of events will be announced in January. [...]

"Seattle Reads" is designed to deepen appreciation of and engagement in literature through reading and discussion, to foster reading and discussion of works by authors of diverse cultures, to bring new communities into the library and together explore literature of many cultures.

Enjoy the book, Seattleites! 

Seattle Public Interior


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