Monday Fun Day! (8/1/2011 Edition)

Monday Fun Day! (8/1/2011 Edition)

Aaand we're back with another thrilling issue of Monday Fun Day

Last week we ran a series of posts on books for reluctant readers of the teen male variety called He's Just Not That Into Books. After you check out the recommendations under the tag "Just Not That Into Books," let us know what other titles have proved successful in grabbing the attention of young men at your library.

Also, if you didn't get your request in for a galley of Patti Callahan Henry's latest, COMING UP FOR AIR, there's still time! We have more ARCs that need good homes. For an advanced copy of COMING UP FOR AIR send your name, library, and full mailing address to Library @

NPR has taken an interest in a few of our more scandalous and dark memoirs. Melissa Febo, author of WHIP SMART (now in paperback), was interviewed about her experiences as a dominatrix in Manhattan on NPR's Fresh Air (the half-hour recording can be heard here).

And in Game On! 5 Winning Summer Sports Books, NPR recommended BASKETBALL JUNKIE, the "exceptional" and "often devastating" memoir of Chris Herren, former Boston Celtics player and raging heroin addict.

We hope you're getting in plenty of good summer reading! Enjoy the sun!

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Words of Peace, I SHALL NOT HATE Giveaway

Words of Peace, I SHALL NOT HATE Giveaway

After losing three daughters and a niece to an Israeli tank shell in 2009, Palestinian Doctor Izzeldin Abuelaish has no words of revenge, only words of peace for Israelis and Palestinians in his new book, I SHALL NOT HATE

Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Elie Wiesel says, "This story is a necessary lesson against hatred and revenge."

Former President Jimmy Carter says, "In this book, Doctor Abuelaish has expressed a remarkable commitment to forgiveness and reconciliation that describes the foundation for a permanent peace in the Holy Land."

Also see articles and interviews in the New York Times, The Huffington Post, and Democracy Now!

We have 10 copies of I SHALL NOT HATE! If you would like a chance to get your hands on one, email your full mailing address to library at macmillanusa dot com (subject: I Shall Not Hate) by this Friday (2/11).*


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