We’re thrilled that three Macmillan titles were selected for this year’s Rainbow Book List! GIRL, SERPENT, THORN by Melissa Bashardoust9781250196149Ages 12-18 Cursed before she was even born, Soraya must live her life secluded from society. On a quest for the cure that would free her, and save her kingdom, she must choose who to trust, […]

2021 Best Fiction for Young Adults
Check out these stellar titles included in YALSA’s 2021 Best Fiction for Young Adults list! FABLE by Adrienne YoungGIRL, SERPENT, THORN by Melissa BashardoustLOBIZONA by Romina GarberTWEET CUTE by Emma LordTHE HENNA WARS by Adiba JaigirdarTHE LIFE AND MEDIEVAL TIMES OF KIT SWEETLY by Jamie Pacton The purpose of this annual list is to provide […]

2021 YALSA Award Nominees
Congrats to all of our 2021 nominees for the Best Fiction for Young Adults list and the Quick Picks for Reluctant Readers list! Best Fiction for Young Adults: THE INSOMNIACS by Marit WeisenbergFABLE by Adrienne YoungWHAT UNBREAKABLE LOOKS LIKE by Kate McLaughlinTWEET CUTE by Emma LordFOUL IS FAIR by Hannah CapinJANE ANONYMOUS by Laurie Faria […]

Booklist’s Top 10 Fantasy/SF for Youth: GIRL, SERPENT, THORN
Booklist has named their Top 10 Fantasy / Sci-Fi for Youth of 2020, and GIRL, SERPENT, THORN by Melissa Bashardoust made the list! GIRL, SERPENT, THORN by Melissa Bashardoust9781250196149Available now from Flatiron BooksAges 12-18 “In her sophomore novel, Bashardoust draws from the myths and religions of her own Persian culture to create a world simmering […]

YA Spotlight (7/6/20)
This week we celebrate the #bookbday of a feminist fairytale about a princess with a poisonous touch, and a return to the magical world of the Trylle. GIRL, SERPENT, THORN by Melissa Bashardoust “In her sophomore novel, Bashardoust (GIRLS MADE OF SNOW AND GLASS, 2017) draws from the myths and religions of her own Persian […]

NYPL YA Book Buzz Recap (5/22)
Thank you all for joining us at today’s virtual book buzz with the NYPL. If we couldn’t “see” you there, or you’re craving another look, here are all of the YA titles presented: GIRL, SERPENT, THORN by Melissa Bashardoust | 9781250196149 | 7/7/20 MAYHEM by Estelle Laure | 9781250297938 | 7/14/20 THE MALL by Melissa […]

TGIF, YA pals! A beautiful and magical escapist read… GIRL, SERPENT, THORN by Melissa Bashardoust9781250196149Available July 7, 2020 from Flatiron BooksAges 12 – 18Available to download as an e-galley from Edelweiss Soraya lives in a massive castle and spends her days wandering through hidden tunnels and tending to her rose garden. It may sound ideal, […]

Mac Lib From Home Round-Up (4/3/20)
Hello librarians! We are so excited to introduce Mac Lib From Home, a new fun-sized buzz series from our homes to yours! This week, you heard from Talia about STANDOFF: Race, Policing, and a Deadly Assault That Gripped a Nation by Jamie Thompson. You can watch her full video here. Amanda loved Charlotte McConaghy’s US […]

Booklist’s “Macmillan Library AF” Webinar
Thank you to all that tuned in to Booklist‘s “Macmillan Library AF” webinar on Friday, 3/6! If you were not able to join us, listen to the full archived webinar here, and check out all the titles presented: YA IT SOUNDED BETTER IN MY HEAD by Nina Kenwood LOBIZONA by Romina Garber MORE THAN MAYBE […]

ALA MW 2020 Book Buzz Theater Recap (1/26/20)
Don’t let #ALALeftBehind get you down! If you weren’t able to come to our title presentation during ALA Midwinter 2020 last week, here are all the exciting forthcoming Adult + YA titles we talked about! Adult LUSTER by Raven Leilani | 8/4/20 | 9780374194321 | HCTHE BOOK OF V. by Anna Solomon| 5/5/20 | 9781250257017 […]