Congratulations to the Macmillan titles nominated for the 2021 Agatha Awards! Best Contemporary Novel THE MADNESS OF CROWDS: A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel by Louise PennyHER PERFECT LIFE by Hank Phillippi Ryan Best Children’s/YA Mystery ENOLA HOLMES AND THE BLACK BAROUCHE by Nancy Springer […]
Tag: Agatha Awards

Author Spotlight: Hank Phillippi Ryan (8/10/20)
Today we spotlight the amazing Hank Phillippi Ryan, five-time Agatha Award-winning + bestselling author who continually has us on the edge of our seats with her twisty and chilling thrillers. Her next standalone cat and mouse thriller features a devastating betrayal, a young woman on an obsessive path to justice, and nonstop twists and surprises. […]

2015 Agatha Award Nominees
#ThrillerThursday BONUS: Macmillan has five nominees for the 2015 Agatha Awards! Best Contemporary Novel: THE NATURE OF THE BEAST by Louise Penny (Minotaur Books) WHAT YOU SEE by Hank Phillippi Ryan (Forge Books) Best Historical Novel: THE MASQUE OF A MURDERER by Susanna Calkins (Minotaur Books) Best First Novel: DEATH OF A DISHONORABLE GENTLEMAN by […]

Thriller Thursday (5/7/15 Edition)
Happy #ThrillerThursday! First some news: Hank Phillippi Ryan’ s TRUTH BE TOLD won the 2014 Agatha Award for Best Contemporary Novel! This is the second year in a row Ryan has won Best Contemporary Novel, and she also won another Agatha for a non-fiction anthology she edited for Sisters in Crime. Better yet, she’ll be […]

2014 Agatha Award Nominees
Happy #ThrillerThursday, friends! Malice Domestic recently announced the nominees for the 2014 Agatha Awards and our beastie friends at Minotaur are leading the pack! Best Contemporary Novel: THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE EMUS by Donna Andrews (Minotaur Books) A DEMON SUMMER by G.M. Malliet (Minotaur Books) TRUTH BE TOLD by Hank Phillippi Ryan (Forge […]

THE HOUR OF PERIL wins Edgar & Agatha Awards!
Congratulations to Daniel Stashower's THE HOUR OF PERIL on winning BOTH the Edgar Award for Best Fact Crime and the Agatha Award for Best Nonfiction!
Hooray! [...]

2013 Agatha Awards nominees!
Malice Domestic recently announced the nominees for the 2013 Agatha Awards and we're very proud to have five great traditional mysteries in the running:
Best Contemporary Novel:
THROUGH THE EVIL DAYS by Julia Spencer-Fleming
PAGAN SPRING by G.M. Malliet
THE WRONG GIRL by Hank Phillippi Ryan
Best Nonfiction:
THE HOUR OF PERIL: The Secret Plot to Murder Lincoln Before the Civil War by Daniel Stashower
Additionally, Joan Hess (MURDER AS A SECOND LANGUAGE) is receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award!
The winners will be announced at the 2013 Agatha Awards banquet to be held on May 3, 2014.
See the full list of 2013 Agatha Award nominees here. Congratulations to all nominees! [...]

Monday Fun Day! (5/6/2013 Edition)
Hellooooo Monday! It's yet another brand new week and we're inching ever closer to summer skies. To kick off your week right we rounded up a few exciting viewables; take a look.
- Watch Louise Penny accept the 2013 Agatha Award for Best Novel (yet again!) this time for THE BEAUTIFUL MYSTERY and Catriona McPherson accept the 2013 Agatha Award for Best Historical for DANDY GILVER AND AN UNSUITABLE DAY FOR MURDER:
Louise kindly thanked her editor Hope Dellon, her publicist Sarah Melnyk, and publisher Andrew Martin. In describing her books she said,
"At the heart of the nugget they're about belonging, they're about my own personal quest for belonging, that for all of my life I've felt—for much of my life I've felt like I was on an island near the mainland [...] for me to find my community is deeply meaningful and what great company to be in."
Catriona also thanked all of the excellent people at Minotaur Books, her editor Marcia Markland, her fellow Macmillan author and winner of the Mary Higgins Clark Award Hank Fabulous Ryan, er, Hank Phillippi Ryan and everyone in the Flatiron building (that's us!).
We loved getting the chance to talk about these two incredible books and if you didn't heed our praises when they came out, now's the time!
See all of the Agatha winners at
- Speaking of Mysteries, if you missed the "Thrilling Mysteries" Booklist webinar you can now access the archived webinar (the link is available on our titles list post).
- And finally, the greatest mystery of all: what exactly is this cat trying to pull? (Thanks, Ivy!)
@taliasherer @macmillanlib These tweeps in your repertoire? // RT @emrgencykittens:…
— Ivy B (@Ivy_B) May 2, 2013

Monday Fun Day! (2/11/2013 Edition)
Happy Monday, librarians!
Apologies for the unexpected radio silence after Wednesday of last week; I fell victim to the seasonal cold monster. I've triumphantly defeated the beast and returned only slightly sniffly to kick off the week with some great news.
- Continuing the exciting award nomination news from last week, we got the list of Macmillan books nominated for the 2012 Agatha Awards:
Nominated for the Agatha Award for Best Novel of 2012:
by Louise PennyA FATAL WINTER
by Hank Phillippi Ryan
Nominated for the Agatha Award for Best Historical Novel of 2012:
by Catriona McPherson
Winners will be announced at the 2012 Agatha Awards banquet on May 4th, 2013, during Malice Domestic 25. See the full list of Agatha nominees here.
- A delightful review of THE MARLOW PAPERS is currently traveling all across the U.S. in American Airline's American Way magazine!
"With the screw-tightening verve of a great thriller and the romantic pull of Renaissance poetry, the novel—which purports that Marlowe is the true author of William Shakespeare’s legendary oeuvre—is a gripping, lyrical, most unlikely page-turner."
Read the super quick review here.
- Flavorwire suckered us in with another one of their bookish listicles, "The Best Fictional Libraries in Pop Culture."
- And finally, a couple of snuggly red pandas romping around in the snow!!

Our 2011 Agatha Award Nominees!
Malice Domestic has nominated quite a few excellent traditional mysteries for the Agatha Awards this year. We are especially excited about all of the fantastic Minotaur titles!
Best Novel:
Donna Andrews (author of the 2002 Best Novel and the 1999 Best First Novel)
G. M. Malliet (author of the 2008 Best First Novel)
Louise Penny (author of the 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 Best Novel)
Best Historical Novel:
Jeri Westerson
The winners will be announced at the 2011 Agatha Awards banquet to be held on April 28, 2012. We'll have our fingers crossed until then!