This catalog is a collection of the best fiction and nonfiction from women whose voices are a collective call for urgent resistance. Given the current political climate we hope that this catalog will be a helpful tool for identifying books that are culturally relevant and on the pulse of the public conversation. […]

Required Friday Reading (8/10/18)
It’s important, now more than ever, to continue reading, reflecting, and engaging in open dialogue about the issues facing us all as a nation. Here are our picks to help you do just that: A HOPE MORE POWERFUL THAN THE SEA: One Refugee’s Incredible Story of Love, Loss, and Survival by Melissa Fleming 2018 Alex […]

Happy International Womens Day!
March is Women’s History Month and today happens to be International Womens Day! Ladies, we salute you, and we recommend these titles: DIVIDED WE STAND: The Battle Over Women’s Rights and Family Values That Polarized American Politics by Marjorie J. Spruill THIS FIGHT IS OUR FIGHT: The Battle to Save America’s Middle Class by Elizabeth […]

Our 2017 YALSA & RUSA Award Winners!
Congratulations to all of the amazing Macmillan authors who won awards or were selected for YALSA and RUSA’s various reading lists this year! 2017 Alex Awards (the 10 best adult books that appeal to teen audiences): EVERY HEART A DOORWAY by Seanan McGuire THE INVISIBLE LIFE OF IVAN ISAENKO by Scott Stambach IN THE COUNTRY […]

2017 Community Reads Recommendations
Although our Academic Marketing division created the “Books for the First-Year Experience” for colleges and universities, we strongly believe that the titles featured in this catalog foster the sort of discussion and self-reflection that make library-led, city-wide reading programs so memorable. The updated catalog for 2017 is now available and features titles such as: BLACK […]

ALA Annual 2016 – Sunday Events
Good morning, Orlando! Come to all of our terrific events and stop by the Macmillan Adult (Griffin Teen & Flatiron Books YA) booth #2115 for these great giveaways and signings. Our friends at Drawn & Quarterly have graphic novel giveaways for you in booth #2263 and are presenting at a great graphic novel panel this afternoon. Isn’t It Romantic? Panel with […]

Macmillan Library @ ALA Annual 2016 (Booth #2115)
We can’t wait to see you at ALA Annual! Stop by the Macmillan Adult (Griffin Teen & Flatiron Books YA) booth #2115 and RSVP to all of our events! Please note the many Orlando Support Activities happening during ALA Annual. Our friends from Drawn & Quarterly are attending ALA Annual for the first time! Make […]

New Nonfiction – May 2016
ONEIDA: From Free Love Utopia to the Well-Set Table by Ellen Wayland-Smith THREE STARRED REVIEWS! “This compelling narrative seamlessly threads the unlikely alliance between a ‘free love utopia’ and a household brand name. Fans of Joseph Ellis and David McCullough will appreciate this engrossing entry.” — Library Journal, starred review THE FIRE LINE: The Story […]

#FridayReads Giveaway – IN THE COUNTRY WE LOVE
TGIF! Our #FridayReads pick is IN THE COUNTRY WE LOVE: My Family Divided by Diane Guerrero. We admire the star of Orange is the New Black and Jane the Virgin for sharing her personal story of the real plight of undocumented immigrants in this country. Diane is on the cover of the current issue of […]

TxLA 2016 Book Buzz Titles
It’s the last day of TxLA! Come grab the last of our books in the Macmillan Adult booth #1544 but first, hear Anne “sweet teeth” Spieth share her favorite forthcoming Macmillan titles at Book Buzz: The New Books Are Coming from 8:00-9:50am in room 370 A-F. Have a conflict or not at TxLA? We’ve got […]