We’re thrilled to have 7 titles on YALSA’s 2023 Best Fiction for Young Adults list! ALL OF US VILLAINS by Amanda Foody and C.L. Herman HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE by Dahlia Adler I KISSED SHARA WHEELER by Casey McQuiston I’M THE GIRL by Courtney Summers OUR CROOKED HEARTS by Melissa Albert THIS VICIOUS GRACE by Emily […]

2022 Best Fiction for Young Adults
YALSA has announced their 2022 Best Fiction for Young Adults list and we’re thrilled to have two titles on the list! HURRICANE SUMMER by Asha BromfieldPERFECT ON PAPER by Sophie Gonzales The purpose of this annual list is to provide librarians and library workers with a resource to use for collection development and reader’s advisory […]

2021 Best Fiction for Young Adults
Check out these stellar titles included in YALSA’s 2021 Best Fiction for Young Adults list! FABLE by Adrienne YoungGIRL, SERPENT, THORN by Melissa BashardoustLOBIZONA by Romina GarberTWEET CUTE by Emma LordTHE HENNA WARS by Adiba JaigirdarTHE LIFE AND MEDIEVAL TIMES OF KIT SWEETLY by Jamie Pacton The purpose of this annual list is to provide […]

2021 YALSA Award Nominees
Congrats to all of our 2021 nominees for the Best Fiction for Young Adults list and the Quick Picks for Reluctant Readers list! Best Fiction for Young Adults: THE INSOMNIACS by Marit WeisenbergFABLE by Adrienne YoungWHAT UNBREAKABLE LOOKS LIKE by Kate McLaughlinTWEET CUTE by Emma LordFOUL IS FAIR by Hannah CapinJANE ANONYMOUS by Laurie Faria […]

Our 2020 ALA Award Winners!
Congratulations to all of the amazing Macmillan authors who won awards or were selected for YALSA and RUSA’s various reading lists this year! ADULT RUSA NOTABLES LIST An annual best-of list comprised of twenty six titles written for adult readers and published in the US including fiction, nonfiction and poetry. TRUST EXERCISE by Susan Choi […]

2020 YALSA Award Nominees
Congratulations to our nominees for YALSA’s 2020 Best Fiction for Young Adults list! THE GRACE YEAR by Kim LiggettAvailable now from Wednesday BooksAges 14 to 18 No one speaks of the grace year. It’s forbidden.Girls are told they have the power to lure grown men from their beds, drive women mad with jealousy. They believe […]

Our 2019 YALSA Award Winners!
Congratulations to all of the amazing Macmillan authors who won awards or were selected for ALA / YALSA’s various reading lists this year! 2019 Best Fiction for Young AdultsTHE HAZEL WOOD by Melissa AlbertSADIE by Courtney SummersMIRAGE by Somaiya DaudSKY IN THE DEEP by Adrienne YoungFRANKIE by Shivaun Plozza See the full 2019 BFYA list here 2019 Amelia Bloomer Project […]

BFYA 2019 Nominee – SKY IN THE DEEP
Congratulations to our nominee for YALSA’s 2019 Best Fiction for Young Adults list: SKY IN THE DEEP!! SKY IN THE DEEP by Adrienne Young Available now from Wednesday Books Ages 12 to 18 OND ELDR. BREATHE FIRE. Raised to be a warrior, seventeen-year-old Eelyn fights alongside her Aska clansmen in an ancient, rivalry against the […]

Congratulations to our nominee for YALSA’s 2019 Best Fiction for Young Adults list: THE HAZEL WOOD!! THE HAZEL WOOD by Melissa Albert Available now from Flatiron Books YA Ages 12 to 18 Welcome to THE HAZEL WOOD, Melissa Albert’s fierce, captivating contemporary fantasy about a seventeen-year-old girl who must venture into the world behind a […]