This month’s roundup of Adult Books for Teens includes horror, sci-fi, fantasy, nonfiction, and two gorgeous books of photography. NIGHT OF THE MANNEQUINS by Stephen Graham Jones97812507520799/1/20 “Teen fans of horror will enjoy this compelling story about the lengths we go for our friends.” Booklist, YA Interest A USER’S GUIDE TO DEMOCRACY: How America Works […]
Tag: Nick Capodice

Politics Spotlight (9/22/20)
An illustrated field guide to how the government works + a critique of contemporary public discourse + a detailed account of the scandals in the White House + an insider’s candid account of the Trump administration = this political nonfiction spotlight. A USER’S GUIDE TO DEMOCRACY: How America Works by Nick Capodice and Hannah McCarthy […]

Macmillan Preview Booklist Webinar Recap (6/23/20)
In case you missed the Macmillan-palooza Booklist Webinar extravaganza, or if you just can’t get enough of all the forthcoming Mac Lib titles, check out every Adult and YA title we gushed about in the 90 minutes of virtual Macmillan fun. Check out the archived webinar here. Adult AT NIGHT ALL BLOOD IS BLACK by […]