You voted, they counted, and THE INGENUE by Rachel Kapelke-Dale and THE WIDOWMAKER by Hannah Morrissey are LibraryReads picks for December 2022! PLUS Keigo Higashino enters the Hall of Fame with A DEATH IN TOKYO and Darynda Jones adds to her Hall-of-Fame-ness with A HARD DAY FOR A HANGOVER. PLUS the LibraryReads board chose VINYL […]
Thriller Thursday (9/15/22)
It’s Thursday, which means it’s time for some mysteries/thrillers! We have a girl forced to reexamine her relationships after her mother’s death, a mother-daughter duo investigating a series of missing women, and citizens of a small town going missing during a local yearly tradition. THE INGENUE BY RACHEL KAPELKE-DALE Available for download on Edelweiss know more. “Following […]
New Edelweiss E-galleys (7/11/22)
Hello e-galley readers! Check out some of the exciting e-galleys that were recently added to Edelweiss for your downloading pleasure: THE LOST WITCH by Paige CrutcherISBN 9781250797391 | on sale 12/27/22 1922. The town of Evermore off the coast of Ireland is under the protection of a Goddess. She has bestowed power upon village healer Brigid Heron to […]
Booklist’s True Crime, Thrillers and Mysteries, Oh My! Recap
A huge thanks to everyone who attended today’s “True Crime, Thrillers and Mysteries, Oh My!” webinar with Booklist! Here are all the titles we talked about, plus you can watch the archived webinar know more: THE BLAME GAME by Sandie JonesSTAY AWAKE by Megan GoldinDIRT CREEK by Hayley ScrivenorDAISY DARKER by Alice FeeneyAMERICAN DEMON: Eliot […]