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THE SEARCH FOR US by Susan Azim Boyer
Wednesday Books
Ages 12-18

When Samira Murphy and Henry Owen each take a DNA test in hopes of finding the father they’ve never met, they end up finding each other instead. Disappointed that the results did not lead them to their dad but excited to learn about each other’s existence, the newfound sibling duo decides to team up on their quest. They each have their motivations for finding their dad–Samira is single-handedly holding her family together and needs help if she wants a chance at attending her dream college. With an absent mother, widowed grandmother, and alcoholic older brother who desperately needs rehab, Samira feels like the deck is stacked against her. Henry is struggling with his identity and being accepted for who he is. His mom’s heart is in the right place, but she’s completely unreliable and his straight-laced aunt and uncle who raised him don’t appreciate who he truly is. Henry hopes that finding his father will help him discover himself and feel appreciated and seen.

When Samira and Henry team up, they slowly uncover their past together, learning about their Iranian-American heritage they knew little about. They also begin to accept themselves, the people who raised them, and their father who has a difficult and complicated backstory. They consider what their paths forward look like and how this will affect their families as well as their own self-image and happiness. They support each other in the uncomfortable process of reconciling their own dreams with what their loved ones expect. Along the way, Samira and Henry bond deeply and redefine their definitions of family.

Boyer does an excellent job of addressing mental health issues and creates an emotional, beautiful story that draws readers in. I thoroughly enjoyed the perspective shifts between Samira and Henry–this deepened the story and made me feel connected to the characters. I also love the way she develops the complicated family dynamics for both Samira and Henry. I recommend this book for fans of JASMINE ZUMIDEH NEEDS A WIN (Boyer’s previous novel), THE RENAISSANCE OF GWEN HATHAWAY by Ashley Schumacher, and RUBI RAMOS’S RECIPE FOR SUCCESS by Jessica Parra.

Happy reading!
<3 Michelle

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