For Your Consideration: February 2020 LibraryReads Titles

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Download, read, and vote for your favorite February titles for the February 2020 LibraryReads list!

Votes due January 1!


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A supernatural thriller about a young woman facing down ancient forces in the depths of the bayou.

2 starred reviews!

Davidson’s style is restrained, with a slow burn that explodes at the novel’s midpoint, making room for the plot to breathe and unravel toward the satisfying conclusion.”–Booklist, starred review

A stunning supernatural Southern gothic.“–Kirkus Reviews, starred review

SAINT X by Alexis Schaitkin

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A Library Journal Best Debut! A haunting portrait of grief, obsession, and the bond between two sisters never truly given the chance to know one another. “Setting the story in a fictional place, collaged and verbally photoshopped from real Caribbean settings, is daring, but this writer is fearless, and her gamble pays off.This killer debut is both a thriller with a vivid setting and an insightful study of race, class, and obsession.”–Kirkus Reviews, starred review

OONA OUT OF ORDER by Margarita Montimore

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A wondrous novel exploring the burdens of time, the endurance of love, and the timelessness of family. “A heartfelt novel that celebrates its implausibility with a unique joie de vivre.”–Kirkus Reviews


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Award-winning author Sarah Gailey reinvents the pulp Western with an explicitly antifascist, near-future story of queer identity–are you a coward, or are you a librarian? “Gailey’s gorgeous writing and authentic characters make this slim volume a pure delight. Readers will relish this showcase of Gailey’s striking talents.”–Publishers Weekly, starred review

THE UNEXPECTED SPY: From the CIA to the FBI, My Secret Life Taking Down Some of the World’s Most Notorious Terrorists by Tracy Walder

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A highly entertaining account of a young woman who went straight from her college sorority to the CIA, where she hunted terrorists and WMDs. “Walder has created a well-written, engaging memoir, a serious and candid inside view of two enigmatic and significant institutions from a woman’s perspective, and a powerful tool for Walder’s hoped-for ‘revolution.'”–Booklist

ALL THE BEST LIES by Joanna Schaffhausen

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The highly anticipated third novel in the award-winning Ellery Hathaway mystery series–Ellery and FBI agent Reed Markham track down a killer who has been hiding in plain sight for forty years. “Tight plotting and a few genuinely shocking twists propel this emotionally charged thriller all the way to the explosive finale. Old and new readers alike will be enthralled.”–Publishers Weekly


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A stunning debut fantasy about an orc priestess turned wizard’s assassin. “Lyrical, immersive prose masterfully conveys complex worldbuilding. Epic fantasy fans are sure to be impressed by this expertly crafted adventure.”–Publishers Weekly, starred review


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A hilarious new novel full of Hollywood glitz, glamour, and scandal. “Readers looking for a fast, laugh-out-loud romp will find much to enjoy.”–Publishers Weekly

APARTMENT by Teddy Wayne

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A gutting portrait of one of New York’s many lost, disconnected souls. “A near-anthropological study of male insecurity.”–Kirkus Reviews, starred review

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