Happy Holidays and Thank You from Elle Cosimano

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Happy holidays and thank you from elle cosimano collage

Elle Cosimano is the creator of everyone’s favorite crime-solving, mystery-writing, single mother of two, and maybe murderer Finlay Donovan. And today, Elle is joining us with both an author letter and a thank you video, showing her appreciation for librarians and all of their hard work.

Finlay’s next adventure with partner-in-crime Vero, FINLAY DONOVAN JUMPS THE GUN, comes out in January and is available for download on Edelweiss.

Dear Librarians,

I first began writing novels when my children were small. My career was new and fragile. I had two exuberant, challenging sons—one eight and one five, one neurodivergent and both struggling with school—and a seventy-five-pound puppy who took his lead from these high-strung, tiny humans. My husband traveled overseas for long periods for work, and I was often left alone for months to juggle it all. My days began much like my character Finlay Donovan’s, with a seemingly impossible deadline, an overflowing coffee pot after a sleepless night, and at least one child throwing a tantrum while the other was making mischief. My house was never tidy or quiet. Neither was my mind. And as I slowly began drowning under the tide of of expectations the world, my family, and my career had placed upon me, tidy and quiet seemed like the far-flung setting of someone else’s fantasy novel. Yet both were essential to my creative process.

That’s when I began writing at the library.

I wrote my second novel between the silent carrels of a local university library. I’ll never forget the sense of relief I felt when I opened those heavy doors and the world fell silent as they clicked shut behind me. Everyone in the library used their inside voices. There were no Legos on the floor. No syrup on the desks or Cheerio crumbs on the chairs. There were no shrill cartoon character voices echoing off the walls, no barking dogs, and the air smelled like old books and newfound freedom instead of spoiled milk in forgotten sippy cups under the couch.

It was heaven. A place where I could release my imagination and follow, uninterrupted, wherever it led. Where I could put enough distance between my real life and my character’s fictional one to find the humor and heart in both. And oh, what catharsis I found when I began writing the story of Finlay Donovan, a series about a floundering romantic suspense novelist and struggling single mother who’s mistaken for a contract killer while she’s trying to make her deadline!

In the library, it was easy to imagine a life of adventure, mystery, and romance. On every shelf, I was surrounded by it.

When I felt blocked or discouraged, I’d get up from my seat and walk between the stacks, reminded that these other authors, whose names appeared on spines all around me, had probably overcome similar obstacles. Comforted and inspired, I’d return to my manuscript.

In the library, a path forward always managed to appear.

More than a decade has passed since those early days of my career. My children are grown and my messy nest is almost empty. My house is often quiet. Sometimes too quiet. And on the days when I feel like my imagination has wandered and left me and the plot of my story feels uncertain, I still feel drawn to the library.

With my sincerest thanks for your quiet spaces, your inspiration, and your company,

Elle Cosimano

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