Nonfiction Round-Up (4/15/20)

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The complex and hidden stories behind street names and a hilarious dive into everyday queer life in the twenty-first century–both in this nonfiction round-up.

THE ADDRESS BOOK: What Street Addresses Reveal About Identity, Race, Wealth, and Power by Deirdre Mask

3 starred reviews!

“Journalist Mask’s entertaining and wide-ranging debut investigates the history of street addresses and their ‘power to decide who counts, who doesn’t, and why’…This evocative history casts its subject in a whole new light.”–Publishers Weekly, starred review

“As Mask reveals in this debut, the concept of a street address is a marvel of social and political engineering. She starts with a journey through the slums of Kolkata, where she sees for herself the toll that the lack of an address takes on people cut off from the bureaucratic state…Engaging, illuminating, and with highly relevant.”–Library Journal, starred review

“An impressive book-length answer to a question few of us consider: ‘Why do street addresses matter?’…A standout book of sociological history and current affairs.”–Kirkus Reviews, starred review

DIARY OF A DRAG QUEEN by Crystal Rasmussen with Tom Rasmussen

“Drag queen-of-queens Crystal Rasmussen grew up in working-class northern England as Tom Rasmussen, now a journalist and queer performer who’s been named an LGBT trailblazer. Here’s how it all happened, with lots of twists and turns, for as they said in a Guardian feature, ‘To file [their story] neatly under ‘gay and fabulous’ erases the daunting task of getting from A to She.'”–Library Journal Pre-Pub Alert

THE ADDRESS BOOK: What Street Addresses Reveal About Identity, Race, Wealth, and Power by Deirdre Mask; 9781250134769; available now.
DIARY OF A DRAG QUEEN by Crystal Rasmussen with Tom Rasmussen; 9780374538576; available now.

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