Nonfiction Stars

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opens in a new windowThe correspondence cover opens in a new windowThe true flag coverWe’re easing you back into the post-Thanksgiving work-week with some starred nonfiction titles:

THE CORRESPONDENCE: Essays by J. D. Daniels
“The debut collection by an essayist who writes like a rattlesnake, his sentences coiled yet always ready to strike with venomous impact. These essays…have a cumulative power that can leave readers devastated. An uncommonly auspicious debut.” — Kirkus Reviews, starred review

“Delivered with the storytelling talents of John Jeremiah Sullivan and brimming with the folkloric, true-life tales of Breece D’J Pancake, these tales are funny; unrepentantly realist; and, in their way, awfully elegant. With careful wit, an attention to emotional nuance that reaches down to the gut, and an astounding ear for dialogue, Daniels writes with a kind of brutal authenticity that is not easily faked, whichever side of auto-fiction’s hyphen he’s writing from.” Booklist, starred review

THE TRUE FLAG: Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Twain, and the Birth of American Empire by Stephen Kinzer
“A timely work on the vociferous sides taken over the Spanish-American War of 1898—and how that history relates to the ongoing debate regarding American imperialism. In the last chapter, Kinzer astutely brings the debate from the turn of the century to the present. A tremendously elucidating book that should be required reading for civics courses.” — Kirkus Reviews, starred review

“Kinzer ably conveys the passion and ferment of this brief period, situating this grand debate in the context of U.S. foreign policy history and convincingly arguing that the imperial/anti-imperial dichotomy remains a dominant feature of the American psyche.” Publishers Weekly, starred review

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