Society and the Future (8/19/20)

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Today we look at society and the future with an analysis of how our drastically changing world will begin to look, a detailed account of the machinery and technology that has changed our intimate lives, and demands for creating and embracing education with equality.

2030: How Today’s Biggest Trends Will Collide and Reshape the Future of Everything by Mauro F. Guillen

“This sharp, well-informed analysis of present-day trends and future outcomes provides valuable insights to investors, business owners, and policy makers.”–Publishers Weekly

WORK MARRY MATE LOVE: How Machines Shape Our Human Destiny by Debora L. Spar

“This is a humanizing and unique take on technology is a necessary addition to the genre; Spar’s voice included with the history will keep readers engaged in what could otherwise be dry information.”–Library Journal

THE CULT OF SMART: How Our Broken Education System Perpetuates Social Injustice by Fredrik deBoer

“Growing up in an academic family and eventually joining academia himself, deBoer asserts that schools are ‘engines of inequality’ whose purpose is to feed graduates into a ‘system of meritocratic capitalism’…A solid addition for those dismayed by the inequities of the education system and looking to effect change.”–Library Journal

2030: How Today’s Biggest Trends Will Collide and Reshape the Future of Everything by Mauro F. Guillen; 9781250268174; available 8/25/20.
WORK MARRY MATE LOVE: How Machines Shape Our Human Destiny by Debora L. Spar; 9780374200039; available now.
THE CULT OF SMART: How Our Broken Education System Perpetuates Social Injustice by Fredrik deBoer; 9781250200372; available now.

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