Happy #PubDay! (11/13/18)

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Today’s #pubday brings you a re-examining of the Constitution, food, the environment, India under British rule, aaaand a novel from Israel!

WE THE PEOPLE: A Progressive Reading of the Constitution for the Twenty-First Century by Erwin Chemerinsky 

From gun control to reproductive health, a conservative court will reshape the lives of all Americans for decades to come. University of California Berkeley Dean and respected legal scholar Erwin Chemerinsky expertly exposes how conservatives are using the Constitution to advance their own agenda that favors business over consumers and employees, and government power over individual rights.

“Chemerinsky’s rock-solid arguments are rooted in history, in a profound progressive philosophy.”Kirkus Reviews, starred review

THE EATING INSTINCT: Food Culture, Body Image, and Guilt in America by Virginia Sole-Smith 

An exploration, both personal and deeply reported, of how we learn to eat in today’s toxic food culture.

“Picky eaters, foodies, food historians, parents of preemies, and readers who rarely even think about food will all find the statistics Sole-Smith uncovers to be interesting and surprising.”Booklist

THE END OF THE END OF THE EARTH: Essays by Jonathan Franzen 

A sharp and provocative new essay collection that traces the progress of a unique and mature mind wrestling with itself, with literature, and with some of the most important issues of our day, made more pressing by the current political milieu.

“This book is a SILENT SPRING for today, but instead of challenging readers to change the world, it pushes them to change themselves.”Library Journal, starred review

THE BRITISH IN INDIA: A Social History of the Raj by David Gilmour 

An immersive portrait of the lives of the British in India, from the seventeenth century to Independence.

“Beyond the likes of Kipling and Louis Mountbatten, he considers the experiences of everyday traders, officials, missionaries, and their families and how parochial the British perspective at the time really was.”Library Journal, pre-pub alert

MUCK by Dror Burstein; Translated from the Hebrew by Gabriel Levin 

In a Jerusalem both ancient and modern, where the First Temple squats over the populace like a Trump casino, where the streets are literally crawling with prophets and heathen helicopters buzz over Old Testament sovereigns, two young poets are about to have their lives turned upside down.

“Gritty realism intermixes with historical allusion, allowing the work to function on various levels. The transmogrification of ancient events into a modern context creates a gripping world of hyperrealistic abandon; recommended for intrepid readers.”          Library Journal

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