Starred Review for Third Grave Dead Ahead

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After her adventures in the RWA Golden Heart Award-winning novel FIRST GRAVE ON THE RIGHT and sequel SECOND GRAVE ON THE LEFT, Private Investigator and Grim Reaper Charlie Davidson has come to find that leading a double life of solving crimes and shepherding souls into the afterlife exhausting. But the cases, the dead, and the boys just keep getting wilder!

Publishers Weekly gave the third installment in the series, THIRD GRAVE DEAD AHEAD, a starred review and called P.I./Grim Reaper Charlie, "smart" and "wickedly hilarious." Of the story, they said, "Jones pulls all the craziness together in the end while leaving plenty of open threads to pull the reader into the next installment."

Library Journal said, "A must-buy for Charley Davidson fans, the novel has an engaging style--coupled with the enjoyable sarcasm of its protagonist--that will no doubt win Jones an expanding readership among paranormal romance/mystery aficionados."

And Booklist said, "Readers will be dying to know where the fourth grave is."

The REAL question is, what do librarians think of it? Well, Shayera Tangri of Los Angeles Public tweeted, "I LOVED Third Grave Dead Ahead. Loved it like I love cake. And you know that's a lot. :-)" We do know, Shayera. We do, indeed.

THIRD GRAVE DEAD AHEAD will be available in February from St. Martin's Press.


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