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Happy Friday, YA pals!

Who doesn’t love a magical road trip?

WAYWARD SON by Rainbow Rowell
Available now from Wednesday Books
Ages 14-18

After an exciting final year at Watford School of Magicks, Simon, Baz, and Penny are living in London. Baz and Penny are attending university and Simon is . . . sitting on the couch. Simon may have saved the world, but he’s been seriously bummed since losing his magic and growing a huge pair of red wings and tail. Penny decides that a road trip is just the thing to get Simon’s groove back.

From London to Chicago and across the American West, the group fends off a gang of thirsty vampires, scuffles with a few shotgun-wielding skunk-human hybrids, and races against time to save their pal Agatha. But with their magic on the fritz and their foes close behind, will they be able to save her before the unthinkable happens?

Y’all know I love Rainbow Rowell (proof here, here, and here) and this follow-up to CARRY ON is no exception. Joining Simon, Baz, and Penny on their wild, enchanted road trip was ridiculously fun. The characters are hilarious, the dialogue is smart and witty, and the magical adventures are endless. Hijinx aside, Rowell deftly weaves in a powerful story of depression and overcoming trauma. And that cliffhanger! Oh boy am I excited for ANY WAY THE WIND BLOWS!

Happy reading!
<3 Emily

You can find all of our 2020 Books for Teens here and the Day’s YA archives here.

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