BITTER EDEN – “a jewel of a tale…”

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Today we want to tell you about a little gem that might not be on your radar: BITTER EDEN by Tatamkhulu Afrika, one of South Africa’s most revered poets. Based on the author’s own capture in North Africa and his experiences as a prisoner-of-war in World War II in Italy and Germany, this frank and beautifully wrought novel deals with three men who must negotiate the emotions that are brought to the surface by the physical closeness of survival in the male-only camps.

We have early rave reviews:

“Afrika explores these relationships in depth, creating a remarkably honest and moving book. Originally published shortly after the author’s death in 2002 and based on his experiences as a POW in WWII, BITTER EDEN is a beautifully crafted, absorbing read, a careful examination of human relationships, and a rare glimpse into the complexities of life in wartime.”   Booklist

“Such a powerful, melodic, urgent and honest story of suffering, love and survival I have never quite encountered before. This is a jewel of a tale a vital and raw piece of the true human experience and it needs to never be forgotten. I am honored to have read it, and will pass it along to many others.”   Elizabeth Gilbert, New York Times-bestselling author of THE SIGNATURE OF ALL THINGS and EAT PRAY LOVE

BITTER EDEN is available on NetGalley
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