In addition to reading recommendations for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday -- here's a reminder on how to get pre-approved on Edelweiss for Macmillan e-galleys:
To get Whitelisted on Edelweiss*:
- 1. Register for Edelweiss with your library-issued e-mail address.
- Send Anne an email that includes the e-mail address you registered with, your full name, and your current library (subject: Edelweiss).
- Wait for Anne to send you a confirmation message, then download to your heart's delight and nominate titles you love for LibraryReads
Whitelisting is only available to librarians currently employed in the U.S.
Already whitelisted and ready to read? Great! Here are some of Anne’s favorite Spring 2014 titles:
If you were moved by Ishmael Beah’s memoir, A LONG WAY GONE, read his first novel, RADIANCE OF TOMORROW
If you loved “Fatal Attraction” and “Unfaithful,” read APPLE TREE YARD by Louise Doughty
If you dig heartfelt love stories with a dose of Southern charm, read LOST LAKE by Sarah Addison Allen (just have a tissue handy)
If you’re a fan of Richard Yates’s A GOOD SCHOOL and other literary coming-of-age stories, read THE LAST ENCHANTMENTS by Charles Finch
If you have a need for speed when you read (think Robert Ludlum’s Bourne books), don’t miss RUNNER by Patrick Lee
If you don’t mind gory mysteries with a touch of dark history, check out WHERE MONSTERS DWELL by Jørgen Brekke
If you can’t get enough of Indiana Jones-like capers, read THE BLOOD OF ALEXANDER by Tom Wilde
If you like your mysteries inspired by real-life events, read PROVIDENCE RAG by Bruce DeSilva
If you enjoyed Irène Némirovsky’s SUITE FRANCAISE, check out another posthumously discovered masterwork: EXILES RETURN by Elisabeth de Waal
If you enjoy Elizabeth Strout, Sue Monk Kidd, and Jojo Moyes, read MIMI MALLOY, AT LAST! by Julia MacDonnell
If you’re a fan of Anita Shreve and Richard Russo, read THE HEADMASTER'S WIFE by Thomas Christopher Greene. Fun fact: it already has a starred pre-publication review from Library Journal
If you like stories about everlasting friendship, music, and going home again, read SHOTGUN LOVESONGS by Nickolas Butler
If you like unreliable narrators, read THE INNOCENT SLEEP by Karen Perry
If you loved Michael Faber’s THE CRIMSON PETAL AND THE WHITE, read SEDITION by Katharine Grant
If you desperately need to know how the Tempest trilogy ends, read TIMESTORM by Julie Cross. It comes highly recommended by Stephanie Wilkes!
If you’re looking for THE next must-read for teens, check out THE HAVEN by librarian favorite, award-winning and critically acclaimed author, Carol Lynch Williams
Anne is now officially outta here and on the road! In the next few days you will find her assisting the academic marketing group at NCTE in Boston. If you’re there too - stop by booth #811-813 and give her a high-five and HUG. Then she'll be off cooking and crafting and hopefully sharing all of her creations with you! (She sees a lot of mug cakes in your future).