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Happy Monday!
We're very excited to see some really excellent fiction published by Tor on the official ballot for the 2012 World Fantasy Awards! Jo Walton's AMONG OTHERS is up for Best Novel and two wonderful anothologies BLOOD AND OTHER CRAVINGS edited by Ellen Datlow and THE WEIRD edited by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer (which kept me company one dark and lonely workday) are both up for Best Anthology!
Lydia Netzer's debut novel, SHINE SHINE SHINE, is a New York Times Editors' Choice!
And for all you librarians out there moonlighting as writers, the 2013 Minotaur Books/Mystery Writers of America First Crime Novel Competition is now open. Last year's winning novel, A SIMPLE MURDER, was written by a librarian! Let's make it two years in a row!
This may just be the tiniest kitten. twitter EmergencyPuppy…
Emergency Cute Stuff (@EmergencyPuppy) August 8, 2012
Have a great week!