Boost your self-help collection with our New Year, New You e-Book sale!
Running now through January 31, thirty self-help e-Books will be discounted 25% off (with our regular lending terms), including these bestselling and important titles:
THE CLEAN 20: 20 Foods, 20 Days, Total Transformation by Ian K. Smith
HOW NOT TO DIE: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease by Michael Greger, M.D.
THE HUNGRY GIRL DIET: Big Portions. Big Results. Drop 10 Pounds in 4 Weeks by Lisa Lillien
CHOOSE WONDER OVER WORRY: Move Beyond Fear and Doubt to Unlock Your Full Potential by Amber Rae
O’S LITTLE GUIDE TO FINDING YOUR TRUE PURPOSE: O’s Little Books/Guides (Volume 2) from the Editors of O, The Oprah Magazine
Click here to view to download the spreadsheet of all available titles with exact price changes. We’ve also marked titles where the audiobook is also discounted.