Enter to win a copy of A TRICK OF THE LIGHT, the latest Chief Inspector Gamache novel, signed by Louise Penny!
UPDATE: This contest is closed. Congratulations to winner Cindy Stiever, Librarian at Eden Prairie High School!
At the end of December, brilliant librarians Robin Beerbower (Salem Public Library) and Stephanie Chase (Multnomah County Library) asked librarians to tweet their favorite reads from 2011 (#libfavs2011).
While a number of our favorite books came up, A TRICK OF THE LIGHT was mentioned often enough to warrant this giveaway!
One (1) Grand Prize Winner will win a hardcover copy of A TRICK OF THE LIGHT signed by author Louise Penny.
Librarians, enter to win this prize by sending your name, your library, and your full mailing address to Library-at-MacmillanUSA.com (Subject: A Trick of the Light Giveaway) by Wednesday, January 18th. UPDATE: contest is now closed.
This sweepstakes is open to librarians in the United States. More eligibility details below!
Entrants must be age 18 or older. No purchase necessary.
Entries must be received by Wednesday, January 18th 2012 to be eligible. Talia and Ali will select the potential prize winner by random drawing from among all eligible entries received. If the potential prize winner cannot be reached after three (3) business days, we will randomly select an alternate winner, so check your email!
The winner grants Macmillan Library the right to announce his or her name on Twitter, MacmillanLibrary.com, and any other platform we want to congratulate you on.
Please note: we can't guarantee that the book will all arrive in mint condition, but we will pack it with care.
Best of luck!