I have many embarrassing vices. Eating cupcakes (from a truck), inhaling frozen snickers bars (alone in my apartment), and drooling over puppy dogs and kittens are all very very embarrassing. But, my number one most embarrassing vice is my obsession with celebrity gossip. I visit People.com and PerezHilton daily. (Never never never while in the office. Come on!)
So when I heard that we were publishing Hulk Hogan’s memoir My Life Outside the Ring, I begged for the manuscript. I had Mickey Rourke’s "The Wrestler" on the brain and thought Hulk might deliver a similar story – and you know what – he did well sorta – with a little more glamour, glitz and a few
more self-help books thrown in.
Hulkamania, yellow tights, steroids, leg drops, muscle tears, stabbings by trophy, surprise pregnancies, 12 million dollar homes, suicide attempts... “Brother,” I just kept turning the pages!