Wednesday Fun Day! (1/2/2013 Edition)

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Hello again, blog friends! Happy New Year!

Talia and I have officially decided that 2013 is going to be the BEST EVER. It has been decided, so kick back and enjoy the adventures.

I hope you all managed to fit in both exciting events and some stellar naps this holiday season. I know I did. When I wasn't asleep, I got in some urban and extra-urban exploring. Here's a pic of me hiking (read: walking on a flat trail) in a sequined fox sweater, as you do:

fox sweater

Talia was rockin' the neon bling this break as per the twitter evidence:


And finally, here's a pic of some Seattle wizard signage because I love it so much (click to cast embiggen):

opens in a new windowwizard sign

Speaking of nerdy stuff, you still have time to enter our Featured Creatures book stack giveaway celebrating the second installment on our EarlyWord-hosted SF/F blog, Uncharted Pages! Contest ends Friday. Details here.


And speaking of EarlyWord, if you're still saying your final farewells to 2012, you should definitely head over to their site for a compiled list of librarian favorites from last year. They included some helpful information about which other year-end lists each title made. See which titles were library champions!

And speaking of champions, don't forget to take a look at our full ALA Midwinter conference schedule of events including the third great Book Battle showdown between Talia and Chris Vaccari of Sterling! Many of the events we're hosting and participating in require an RSVP, so please don't miss out. Take a look now.

And speaking of not missing out, be sure to like FSG's community site on Facebook, Book Keeping, where you'll get the scoop on all sorts of fun stuff (ie: my top FSG picks from 2012).

And speaking of fun, have a wonderful Wednesday!

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