WHAT THE RIVER KNOWS by Isabel Ibañez978125080337510/31/2023Wednesday BooksAges 13-18 E-galley available on Edelweiss and NetGalley Inez has lived her whole life in Argentina, while her parents spend half of every year in their favorite place in the world, Egypt. Inez misses them terribly when they are gone, but despite her pleading, they’ve never let her […]
Tag: Egypt

Hey, YA librarians! Today’s YA pick has you visiting far-off places all from the comfort of your own home. But don’t forget to buckle your seat belt! I DO NOT TRUST YOU by Laura J. Burns and Melinda Metz 9781250052308 Available September 11, 2018 from Wednesday Books Ages 12 to 18 Memphis (known as “M”) […]

Happy #BookBday (6/13/17 Edition)
Oh what a lovely day for a #BookBday! DOWN AMONG THE STICKS AND BONES by Seanan McGuire A June 2017 LibraryReads pick with three starred reviews! The second urban fantasy book in the Wayward Children series, following EVERY HEART A DOORWAY, explores what happened to Jack and Jill before they tumbled into Eleanor West’s Home […]

B&N Summer 2017 Discover Picks
Barnes & Noble’s Summer 2017 Discover Great New Writers program includes five Macmillan titles! ONE DAY WE’LL ALL BE DEAD AND NONE OF THIS WILL MATTER by Scaachi Koul One of Buzzfeed’s “Most Exciting Books Coming In 2017!” For readers of Mindy Kaling, Luvvie Ajayi, and Rupi Kaur comes a debut collection of fierce and […]

Buzzfeed’s “Exciting New Books You Need To Read This Summer”
Buzzfeed chose eight excellent books from Macmillan as part of their “Exciting New Books You Need To Read This Summer” feature: THE ANSWERS by Catherine Lacey Catherine Lacey’s novel THE ANSWERS centers around people looking for the answers to love, to emotions, to ailing bodies. Mary, a young woman in New York City, is desperate […]

Marilyn, Egypt & More: New Nonfiction
What do Marilyn Monroe, Ancient Egypt, an Alaskan pararescue jumper and the word “privilege” have in common? They’re all subjects of new nonfiction titles available now from Macmillan! MARILYN IN MANHATTAN: Her Year of Joy by Elizabeth Winder A true love letter to Marilyn, and a joyous portrait of a city bursting with life and […]