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9781250873095 (TP) | 9781250873071 (HC)
Wednesday Books
Ages 13-18

E-galley available on Edelweiss and NetGalley

After narrowly avoiding an apocalypse and accidentally marrying the king of England in THE PRINCE & THE APOCALYPSE, Wren Wheeler’s story continues in this action-packed romantic romp. Wren and Theo have gone their separate ways and Wren is ready to begin her freshman year of college like a normal girl. Except she wants her dog, Comet, back from Theo, first! She decides to rescue Comet from Theo’s custody and accidentally ends up reuniting with Theo AND the paparazzi that seems to be everywhere. In order to protect her, Theo flies her back to London. But it’s just their luck that their plane never makes it–they crash somewhere over the Atlantic, landing on a tropical island in the middle of nowhere. Accompanied by their friends and siblings, Wren and Theo can’t seem to get a moment alone to discuss everything that’s happened. Completely marooned, the group has to band together against poisonous animals, a brotherly rivalry between Theo and Henry, and a menacing volcano if they’re going to make it out alive. Not to mention, Wren and Theo will have to decide if there is a path forward for the two of them. Stripped of the complexities of the “real” world, the island forces Wren and Theo to face the raw and unedited truth of their feelings.

An effervescent royal rom-com mashed with the high-octane thrill of catastrophic events, this is an emotional, read-in-one-sitting, rollercoaster of a book that readers will gobble up. As they navigate love and loyalty within the confines of royalty, Wren and Theo learn that the path to happiness is fraught with unforeseen challenges. McDowell expertly blends intrigue, romance, and adventure and captivates readers with a vivid portrayal of love that is as unpredictable as it is undeniable, set against the simultaneous beauty and danger of a deserted island. The characters’ journey through adversity, not just externally but internally, shows that true love and self-discovery cannot always be planned. A Kirkus review says, “Wren and Theo face numerous obstacles, not least of which are his family and a plane crash into the ocean near a deserted island. This action-packed, fast-paced story can stand alone, but having familiarity with the earlier book will help readers connect more deeply with the characters. The supporting characters’ witty dialogue balances the leads’…fears… A romantic story with serious elements that will have readers wringing their hands and holding their breath.” Fans of RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE and The Summer I Turned Pretty will not want to miss this one! 

Happy reading!
<3 Michelle

Day’s YA Archives

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