Genre Friday: Sci Fi/Fantasy (3/11/22)

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Genre friday collage

We’re going into the weekend with some fantasy and sci fi recommendations including an epic space opera following an African-inspired empire, a historical sci fi thriller told by the women who sacrifice everything for progress, the second in a genre-bending series where no one is safe, and a post-grad world of magic with six powerful magicians competing for spots in an exclusive society.

SWEEP OF STARS by Maurice Broaddus

2 starred reviews!

“The first of this Afrofuturist trilogy takes off with an epic array of characters and plotlines that will enmesh readers in the politics and power struggles set across the stars.”–Library Journal, starred review

“[A] hugely ambitious and notable work of postcolonial science fiction. This takes the genre in an exciting and challenging direction.”–Publishers Weekly, starred review

UNTIL THE LAST OF ME: Take Them to the Stars, Book Two by Sylvain Neuvel

“Balancing scientific details with character arcs and exciting action, Neuvel’s follow-up to A HISTORY OF WHAT COMES NEXT is an exciting science fiction thriller that will in turn inform and surprise readers.”–Library Journal, starred review


“Witty batter lightens the doomsday atmosphere, and readers will be eager for Aaslo’s return in the proposed third book in the Shroud of Prophecy series.”–Booklist

THE ATLAS SIX by Olivie Blake

“[T]his is a highly entertaining, clever, and imaginative debut with 6 captivating characters. An internet phenomenon deserving of its fanbase.”–Booklist

SWEEP OF STARS by Maurice Broaddus; 9781250264930; 3/29/22.
UNTIL THE LAST OF ME: Take Them to the Stars, Book Two by Sylvain Neuvel; 9781250262110 3/29/22.
DESTINY OF THE DEAD by Kel Kade; 9781250293824; 3/22/22.
THE ATLAS SIX by Olivie Blake; 9781250854513; available now.

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