Oprah’s Book of the Week: It’s Fine by Me

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Each week the editors of O and Oprah.com pick a book that they want to share with their readers and this week that book is Per Patterson's IT'S FINE BY ME!

"Novels about teenager angst can sometimes sound, well... teenage. Not so in the case of IT'S FINE BY ME by Norwegian writer Per Petterson, who previously wrote the haunting, spare OUT STEALING HORSES. [...]

"The tangle of this boy's mind—and the direct, graceful way it's portrayed—creates a tale that's far more adult than adolescent, one that asks the age-old question about how to deal with the past: Stay and pretend it's not happening, or run and pretend you don't care? Or... find some other way (please)."

Read the rest of the recommendation at Oprah.com.

IT'S FINE BY ME is now available from Graywolf Press.


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