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TGIF, YA pals!

“Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it.”

FOUL IS FAIR by Hannah Capin
Available February 18, 2020 from Wednesday Books
Ages 14 to 18
Available to download as an e-galley on Edelweiss

Trigger Warning: sexual assault

After Elle is raped on her sixteenth birthday, she devises a foolproof revenge plan. She changes her name to Jade, dyes her hair, transfers to her attackers’ school, and lands in the most sought-after clique (made up of her perpetrators and their cronies). Together with her three best friends, Jade uses her popularity to gain insight into those that hurt her, and the girls use their wits and wiles to take down each guilty boy, one by one.

This Macbeth retelling is a dark and brutal tale of vengeance and power, perfectly contrasted against a sunny Southern California setting. Hannah Capin has written a wholly compelling novel for anyone who has ever felt powerless. The over-the-top plot moves at a breathtaking speed, while Jade and her coven ruthlessly and brilliantly take back what is theirs. Although utterly original, FOUL IS FAIR is Heathers meets SADIE, with a bit of WE WERE LIARS and a dash of Veronica Mars.

“Intense, implausible, and impossible to put down.” —Kirkus Reviews

Happy reading!
<3 Emily

You can find all of our 2020 Books for Teens here and the Day’s YA archives here.

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